Tim Falk shares the heartwarming story of a critically ill pooch, his remarkable owner, the inspirational campaign to save the lives of other sick dogs and who else around the world is fighting heartworm disease. When Annie Blumenfeld’s family began the search for a loving pet, they spent three years scouring pet stores, rescue shelters, […]
Returning to full-time study as an adult can be challenging at the best of times — imagine studying with a Guide Dog in tow. Laura Greaves meets one dedicated student and his canine companion. Aaron Steley has been visually impaired all his life. He was born with about 10 per cent of the average level […]
Learn about the healing powers of food and why drugs aren’t always the answer, at The MasterChops Canine Health Seminar and Cooking Demonstration – run by Phivo Christodoulou from Augustine Approved in association with the Canine Holistic Wellness Centre. The seminar will show people what their furry friends can eat to stay healthy and will […]
Ever wondered what it takes, when it comes to moving your pet overseas? Meet Molly. She may look like just your average miniature Schnauzer pup but, in fact, she managed to fly from Changchun in China to the latte-sipping city of Melbourne, without even batting an eyelid. Molly’s mum Jody speaks with Kylie Baracz about […]
Older pet owners will receive financial help to care for their pets, thanks to the Animal Welfare League Australia’s (AWLA) new Pets in Aged Care Grants program. The program is set to deliver $10,000 funding to support pets in aged care settings, and will allocate small grants of up to $1,000 to assist aged care […]
Want perfect photos of your pooch? Krissy Bradfield talks to the experts and reveals six tips on how to take great photos of your dog. Your dog is a part of the family, so naturally you want to include him in your photos. But some dogs are less than willing participants. Here are a few […]
It’s not every day you see a Shih Tzu turn into My Little Pony or a Poodle become a colourful Chinese dragon. But that’s just the beginning of what is created by Australia’s top dog groomers at GroomEx, the crème de la crème of grooming competitions organised annually by the Pet Industry Association of Australia […]
Thinking of adopting a furry addition to the family? Katie Cincotta finds out how to introduce your new dog to existing pets. There’s a new pup in town and he’s bursting at the seams to meet everybody: tail is wagging, face is panting and eyes are bulging with the sheer excitement of the adventure: new […]
Becoming sustainable is the way of the future to reduce emissions and essentially ‘save the planet’, but did you know you can also reduce your dog’s eco paw print? Kylie Baracz reports. Words such as “climate change”, “carbon footprint” and “global warming” are popping up in newspapers and television programs around the world — but […]
Want to go out and experience the sun, surf and sand with your pooch? Now you can! Kylie Baracz finds out how to teach your dog to surf. Got your beach bag packed, umbrella under arm and towel at the ready? What about your pooch? Hitting Australian shores is the new sport known as dog […]