Dogs have fears just like humans but sometimes they can get out of hand. Kate Potter finds out why they get scared and how to reduce their panic. Whether it is heights, spiders or things that go bump in the night, there are lots of common fears people face every day. When confronting something we […]
Veterinarians are warning dog owners about the dangers lurking in the backyard, with the popular Brunfelsia flower topping the list. Commonly known as Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow (Brunfelsia bonodora), this plant is beautiful but deadly. Dr Fiona Park, Internal Medicine Specialist from the Animal Referral Hospital in Sydney, reported an increased number of Brunfelsia poisoning cases over the […]
Long gone are the days where dogs would reside in a backyard kennel. Now they are inside with us — some even nuzzling into our beds. Kylie Baracz discovers the benefits of indoor vs outdoor dogs. Years ago, keeping your dog inside with you wasn’t common. Back then, owners considered dogs as protectors — a […]
Forget agility, flyball and obedience — Tim Falk puts on his dancing shoes to discover the unique canine sport of Dances With Dogs. If you were watching Australia’s Got Talent in 2013, chances are you would’ve seen Loretta Rabbitt and her gorgeous Poodle, Jackson, performing one very impressive choreographed dance routine. The judges were stunned […]
There’s no denying we love our dogs. Unfortunately, when it comes to food we might be loving them a bit too much. Krissy Bradfield takes a look at the pet Nutrition Toolkit and investigates how it will help vets and owners. It probably comes as no surprise that most dog owners are confused about canine […]
Project Pooch Protect is a family roadshow event tackling some of the most tick-prone areas in Australia. Four events over two weekends were held in parks across QLD and NSW, drawing in crowds of over 1,000 dedicated pet parents; educating them about Bayer product Advantix and the need to protect their canine companions from deadly […]
The word might sound funny, but zoonosis — a disease that can be transferred from animal to human — can be quite serious. Kylie Baracz reports. We share a lot of things with our pets — love, cuddles, the occasional piece of food that “falls off” our plate — but did you know we can […]
Separation anxiety in dogs has become a huge problem in today’s busy society. Michele Tydd finds out what the signs are and how you can stop this behaviour in its tracks. Dog whisperer Sandra Mullaly says she keeps a fading picture of her Old English sheepdog, Shandon, as a poignant reminder of how easy it […]
COMPETITION CLOSED Thinking about expanding your fur-family? If so, make sure you read this book on how to introduce your dog to your new adoption. Louise provides thorough and important information to take into consideration when getting another dog, from how to choose your new fur-baby to socialising your dogs by determining play styles. By […]
COMPETITION CLOSED David and his family decided to undertake a challenge of epic proportions – drive across the United States to Maine with 25 rescue dogs in need of a home. From challenges such as finding people and vehicles to transport the dogs, to making sure they stop to provide enough feeding breaks (and food!), […]