Click here for more competitions »Carolyn Press-McKenzie has spent her life adopting and rehoming a menagerie of pets including monkeys, pigs, horses, birds, goats, sheep and, of course, a variety of dogs, including the three-legged Napoleon Bonaparte. Animal Magic follows her journey of animal love through a variety of animal-related careers including animal wrangler for television and film, head dog handler at the SPCA and setting up her organisation Helping You Help Animals (HUHA), now New Zealand’s leading no-kill shelter.
Dogs Life has two copies of Animal Magic to give away.
Dogs Life has two copies of Animal Magic to give away. **To enter, please leave a comment in the box below telling us in 25 words or less why you and your dog would love to win**
Entries close October 16, 2015 and will be judged on October 19, 2015.
Please remember to sign in and update the Contact Info for Competition section and read the Condition of Entry before entering.
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Sounds like a wonderful, inspiring story
There’s nothing better on a lazy day at home than being curled up with a good ‘happy cry’ book!
I have enrolled in a dog trainer course and my dream is to retrain rescue dogs as assistance dogs. This would be further inspiration!
I would love to read this as I do a lot of charity work with different animal organisations and I always choose to adopt
We can learn a lot from this making me and pooch closer and wiser
Carolyn Press-McKenzie is certainly a great role model for us all. We’d love to read about her exploits with critters.
as we can always learn more in our fun times together and would be interesting read about her life and menagerie of animals
Jackson (the black lab) is a compassionate soul who enjoys being read to, especially if the stories involve other dogs, danger, heroes and happy endings.
Animal Welfare is a big passion of mine so I would really love to read about Carolyns journey in Animal Magic!
as he gives me unconditional love
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I’d love my dog and I to win because we make a great team! We have taught her many cool tricks and she’s great company.
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My dog loves listening to me read…not that he knows what it means…but I would love to read this!
Sooty and I just love reading inspiring, beautiful stories such as Carolyn’s. I think it would be a wonderful read.
I love animal rescue stories in particular the ones that have happy endings.
Animal Welfare is a big passion of mine so I would really love to read about Carolyns journey in Animal Magic!
I love reading to my puppy farm rescue while he sits patiently and builds up confidence with people!
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My daughter loves to read to her nephew bull terrier. I have kept some of my childrens childhood books, but he is sick of them.
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we both love a good book to read and this sound like it meats the bill
I would love to read about her beautiful kindnesss to the poor unloved animals of the world
Carolyn sounds like she’s lead a very intriguing life – love to find out more
To see that there is goodness and kindness in the world, not just the horror that we have forced upon us in the news and on social media.
Looks like a lovely book, but I think it will make me cry….tears of sadness and happiness too.
Wrangling injured goats, or sneaking up on blind wombats there is not many creatures I haven’t had the opportunity to help, I would love this.
Because our dogs have all been rescue dogs, and love reading about rescued animals
I have always owned dogs that have been rescued and have done volunteer work with a rescue group. I loved fostering but I could never part with the dogs!
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