Our Australia-wide correspondents trek the high and low roads with their canine counterparts in search of a pooch-tastic adventure.
New South Wales
Peter takes his dog Danger to explore a popular surf spot at Avoca Beach.
When you first pull up to the dog-friendly area of Avoca Beach, one thing is clear — this area isn’t just for canines. Perched at the edge of the car park is a viewing platform frequently occupied with dedicated surfers, eying off the ocean to see if it’s worth going out for a wave.
Of course, they’re not the only ones with their eyes on the prize. A host of dogs can regularly be seen here, chasing balls, the waves and sometimes each other as they enjoy this off-leash area.
Avoca Beach is a popular dog-owning location and the local off-leash beach is where many locals come to let their dogs get some socialisation done. Several years ago, the dog-friendly area was threatened to be taken away, but thanks to protests from some particularly vocal local pooch lovers, the dogs get to stay, leaving them free to roam the area from the surf club parking lot down to the North Avoca end of the beach on the opposite side of the lagoon.
The surf is a little rougher here than at other beaches, so if your dog likes a swim, make sure you supervise them closely. I took Danger for a run along the sand and then a quick splash in the shallows of the lagoon where the water is much safer — it makes for a much easier games of fetch, too.
This area is highly populated, so if your dog isn’t great around other canines, I wouldn’t recommend it. If he or she has no worries about them, however, add this picturesque location to your dog-walking list.
Where: Avoca Beach/North Avoca NSW
Off-leash Area: Yes, along the sand in the middle of the two beaches.
Time: Walking from one end to the other could take you 30 minutes or so, but we recommend spending longer and enjoying the gorgeous Central Coast beachscape.
What to take for your dog: Lead, training treats, ball or Frisbee and dog waste bags.
What to take for yourself: Hat, sunscreen, water and a towel.
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