There are only so many things you can ask a reasonable person to do, and leaving their beloved pet behind while they relocate their entire lives from one country to another is often not one of these things. But when the time comes to move away, even the most committed pet lover might discover to their dismay that bringing Foofles with them on their journey of exploration may be a bit harder than they envisioned.
Moving a pet overseas is not simply a matter of buying the right sized cage, packing their favourite fluffy toy and sending them on their way, it can be a whole lot harder than that. The question of whether you should take your pet with you when you uproot to a new nation isn’t just one of what you want, it’s one of whether the move will be the right thing for them as well.
Are They Up to It?
Like people, every animal is different. Each has their own select set of personality quirks, things that they enjoy and things that upset them. Understanding your pet and their personal foibles is key to understanding whether a move is wise, or even possible for them. Highly strung and emotionally volatile pets are probably not going to be up to the trip. For more relaxed animals, or those that get along with everybody and everything, it could be much easier. The decision of whether to subject your pet to a potentially stressful move or the pain of parting if you decide to leave them behind, is one wrenching decision you’re just going to have to make.
If you decide that your pet simply isn’t up to the move, for whatever reason, the most important thing to consider becomes rehoming. Unfortunately, Australia is flooded with unwanted dogs and cats, and tragically this means finding a loving home for your friend, especially on short notice, could be more than a bit difficult. Hopefully you have a kindly friend or family member willing to take on the responsibility, but if not then this is something you’re going to want to put a lot of priority towards.
If you make up your mind to bring your pet with you on your journey, then the next step is working out how exactly to go about it. The first thing you’ll want to do is find out everything you can about what it will mean to take your pet overseas. Every country has different rules and regulations regarding the import of animals, so depending on where you go this could vary quite radically. The Department of Agriculture will most likely be able to answer your questions, though they may not know everything there is to know about your destination. Still, they will at the very least be able to give you a good grounding in what to expect and what preparations you should be making.
Next, make an appointment with your vet. There is more than one benefit to doing so. For starters the vet will be able to give your pet a thorough check-up to make sure they’re ready for the rigours of relocating and will be able to give them any shots they need. See if you can find a vet who has had experience with helping people move their animals overseas in the past. They will be able to give you a better idea of how the process will move, as well as advise you on anything you might be missing in your preparations.
This is probably going to be the last consideration for most people when it comes to their precious companion, but for some it will be a serious obstacle. Taking a pet overseas is a difficult thing to judge price on, but rest assured it won’t be cheap. While most will be able to afford it in a pinch, taking a pet overseas will be as expensive as taking yourself, and when all’s said and done you might end up discovering it cost significantly more than that.
Everything Else
Microchipping, ensuring your pet has the very best in transportation and working out everything with the airline ahead of time are all important factors for making the moving process as smooth as possible. Make sure you don’t leave home with an ID-less doggie.
Hopefully the process of bringing your pet with you on this next chapter of your life goes smoothly, and you can continue to enjoy their company in a foreign land for many years to come. Though the process is fraught with difficulty, it is more than possible to have your pooch by your side when you land.
This helpful article was brought to you by international removalists Overseas Packers.
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