Research conducted by Pawshake reveals that owning a pet can have a significant impact on life choices and behaviours from the home to the community and even in social relationships.
A total of 1,125 pet owners in Australia responded to the survey in November 2016.
Here are some of the key findings:
- 87.5 per cent of Australians wouldn’t rent or buy their dream home if it didn’t allow their beloved pets.
- Two thirds (67 per cent) of Australians admitted they would choose a pet over a child if they could only afford one or the other.
- 67.7 per cent of pet owners sign greeting cards on behalf of their pet. Expect a Christmas card from your neighbour’s pooch any time now!
- 78.5 per cent admitted they would put their pet before their love life, going as far as not dating someone who didn’t have the same love for pets. Makes sense.
- 74.9 per cent of Australians said they would recognise a neighbours’ pet before they would their neighbour. Sorry, not sorry.
- Almost nine in ten (87.7 per cent) take their pet to the vet more than they would take themselves to the doctor.
- Over half (57.7 per cent) go as far as imagining their dog’s voice. Don’t pretend you didn’t love that Dug in the movie Up could talk!
Perhaps the biggest finding from the survey is that we don’t all look like our beloved dogs. Contrary to popular stereotyping (and to our disappointment), only 8.6 per cent of people have admitted they have had or currently have a similar hairstyle to their pet. Maybe they’re lying?
Make sure your furry friend is always looked after at our DOGSLife Directory