How to teach your dog to stay

January 3rd, 2017

It’s one of the most useful commands to teach your dog but it can be difficult to teach. 

Once your dog has a grip on the sit and down commands, it’s time to move on to stay. Follow these easy steps to teach your dog:

  1. Start in the down position. It’s easier to get your dog to lay or sit before you command them to stay.
  2. Put your palm out towards the dog as though you’re stopping traffic and repeat the word “stay” in a steady tone.
  3. Reward your dog for listening
  4. Repeat the process but this time, take a single step back. Be patient and continue repeating until your dog gets the hang of it. Don’t forget to reward with a treat when they get it right.
  5. Continue repeating the process, taking a step back each time and calling your dog to you.
  6. Always reward your dog when he gets it right.
  7. Never shout at your dog for failing to follow the command. Simply refuse to reward him and repeat until he gets it right.
  8. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Has your dog mastered “stay”?

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